SEO 最重要的方面是創建高品質的內容,這些內容在網路上被廣泛連結。但是,在建置排名良好的網站時,有一些技術上的考量。
雖然近年來搜尋引擎在索引使用客戶端 JavaScript 渲染的內容方面有所改進,但伺服器端渲染的內容被索引的頻率更高且更可靠。SvelteKit 預設使用 SSR,雖然你可以在 handle
SvelteKit 的渲染是高度可配置的,如果需要,你可以實現動態渲染。一般不建議這樣做,因為 SSR 除了 SEO 之外還有其他好處。
諸如核心網頁指標之類的訊號會影響搜尋引擎排名。由於 Svelte 和 SvelteKit 引入的額外負擔最少,因此更容易建置高效能的網站。你可以使用 Google 的PageSpeed Insights 或 Lighthouse 來測試你網站的效能。閱讀效能頁面以了解更多詳細資訊。
標準化 URL
SvelteKit 會將帶有尾部斜線的路徑名稱重新導向到不帶斜線的路徑名稱(反之亦然,取決於你的設定),因為重複的 URL 對 SEO 不利。
<title> 和 <meta>
內包含寫得良好且唯一的 <title>
和 <meta name="description">
元素。關於如何撰寫描述性標題和描述,以及其他關於使搜尋引擎理解內容的建議,可以在 Google 的 Lighthouse SEO 稽核文件中找到。
函式返回與 SEO 相關的data
,然後在你的根 layout 中的<svelte:head>
export async function function GET(): Promise<Response>
GET() {
return new var Response: new (body?: BodyInit | null, init?: ResponseInit) => Response
This Fetch API interface represents the response to a request.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!-- <url> elements go here -->
</urlset>`.String.trim(): string
Removes the leading and trailing white space and line terminator characters from a string.
ResponseInit.headers?: HeadersInit | undefined
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/xml'
現代網頁開發的一個不幸現實是,有時需要建立你網站的加速行動網頁(AMP)版本。在 SvelteKit 中,可以透過設定 inlineStyleThreshold
/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Config} */
const const config: {
kit: {
inlineStyleThreshold: number;
config = {
kit: {
inlineStyleThreshold: number;
kit: {
// since <link rel="stylesheet"> isn't
// allowed, inline all styles
inlineStyleThreshold: number
inlineStyleThreshold: var Infinity: number
export default const config: {
kit: {
inlineStyleThreshold: number;
...在你的根 +layout.js
/ +layout.server.js
中停用 csr
export const const csr: false
csr = false;
...將 amp
新增至你的 app.html
<html amp>
...並使用從 @sveltejs/amp
導入的 transform
和 transformPageChunk
import * as import amp
amp from '@sveltejs/amp';
/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Handle} */
export async function function handle({ event, resolve }: {
event: any;
resolve: any;
}): Promise<any>
handle({ event: any
event, resolve: any
resolve }) {
let let buffer: string
buffer = '';
return await resolve: any
resolve(event: any
event, {
transformPageChunk: ({ html, done }: {
html: any;
done: any;
}) => string | undefined
transformPageChunk: ({ html: any
html, done: any
done }) => {
let buffer: string
buffer += html: any
if (done: any
done) return import amp
amp.function transform(html: string): string
transform(let buffer: string
import * as import amp
amp from '@sveltejs/amp';
import type { type Handle = (input: {
event: RequestEvent;
resolve(event: RequestEvent, opts?: ResolveOptions): MaybePromise<Response>;
}) => MaybePromise<...>
The handle
hook runs every time the SvelteKit server receives a request and
determines the response.
It receives an event
object representing the request and a function called resolve
, which renders the route and generates a Response
This allows you to modify response headers or bodies, or bypass SvelteKit entirely (for implementing routes programmatically, for example).
Handle } from '@sveltejs/kit';
export const const handle: Handle
handle: type Handle = (input: {
event: RequestEvent;
resolve(event: RequestEvent, opts?: ResolveOptions): MaybePromise<Response>;
}) => MaybePromise<...>
The handle
hook runs every time the SvelteKit server receives a request and
determines the response.
It receives an event
object representing the request and a function called resolve
, which renders the route and generates a Response
This allows you to modify response headers or bodies, or bypass SvelteKit entirely (for implementing routes programmatically, for example).
Handle = async ({ event: RequestEvent<Partial<Record<string, string>>, string | null>
event, resolve: (event: RequestEvent, opts?: ResolveOptions) => MaybePromise<Response>
resolve }) => {
let let buffer: string
buffer = '';
return await resolve: (event: RequestEvent, opts?: ResolveOptions) => MaybePromise<Response>
resolve(event: RequestEvent<Partial<Record<string, string>>, string | null>
event, {
ResolveOptions.transformPageChunk?(input: {
html: string;
done: boolean;
}): MaybePromise<string | undefined>
Applies custom transforms to HTML. If done
is true, it’s the final chunk. Chunks are not guaranteed to be well-formed HTML
(they could include an element’s opening tag but not its closing tag, for example)
but they will always be split at sensible boundaries such as %sveltekit.head%
or layout/page components.
transformPageChunk: ({ html: string
html, done: boolean
done }) => {
let buffer: string
buffer += html: string
if (done: boolean
done) return import amp
amp.function transform(html: string): string
transform(let buffer: string
為了防止因將頁面轉換為 amp 而導致任何未使用的 CSS 被發送,我們可以使用 dropcss
import * as import amp
amp from '@sveltejs/amp';
import module "dropcss"
dropcss from 'dropcss';
/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Handle} */
export async function function handle(input: {
event: RequestEvent;
resolve(event: RequestEvent, opts?: ResolveOptions): MaybePromise<Response>;
}): MaybePromise<...>
handle({ event: RequestEvent<Partial<Record<string, string>>, string | null>
event, resolve: (event: RequestEvent, opts?: ResolveOptions) => MaybePromise<Response>
resolve }) {
let let buffer: string
buffer = '';
return await resolve: (event: RequestEvent, opts?: ResolveOptions) => MaybePromise<Response>
resolve(event: RequestEvent<Partial<Record<string, string>>, string | null>
event, {
ResolveOptions.transformPageChunk?(input: {
html: string;
done: boolean;
}): MaybePromise<string | undefined>
Applies custom transforms to HTML. If done
is true, it’s the final chunk. Chunks are not guaranteed to be well-formed HTML
(they could include an element’s opening tag but not its closing tag, for example)
but they will always be split at sensible boundaries such as %sveltekit.head%
or layout/page components.
transformPageChunk: ({ html: string
html, done: boolean
done }) => {
let buffer: string
buffer += html: string
if (done: boolean
done) {
let let css: string
css = '';
const const markup: string
markup = import amp
.function transform(html: string): string
transform(let buffer: string
.String.replace(searchValue: string | RegExp, replaceValue: string): string (+3 overloads)
Replaces text in a string, using a regular expression or search string.
replace('⚡', 'amp') // dropcss can't handle this character
.String.replace(searchValue: {
[Symbol.replace](string: string, replacer: (substring: string, ...args: any[]) => string): string;
}, replacer: (substring: string, ...args: any[]) => string): string (+3 overloads)
Replaces text in a string, using an object that supports replacement within a string.
replace(/<style amp-custom([^>]*?)>([^]+?)<\/style>/, (match: string
match, attributes: any
attributes, contents: any
contents) => {
let css: string
css = contents: any
return `<style amp-custom${attributes: any
let css: string
css = module "dropcss"
dropcss({ css: string
css, html: string
html: const markup: string
markup }).css;
return const markup: string
markup.String.replace(searchValue: string | RegExp, replaceValue: string): string (+3 overloads)
Replaces text in a string, using a regular expression or search string.
replace('</style>', `${let css: string
import * as import amp
amp from '@sveltejs/amp';
import module "dropcss"
dropcss from 'dropcss';
import type { type Handle = (input: {
event: RequestEvent;
resolve(event: RequestEvent, opts?: ResolveOptions): MaybePromise<Response>;
}) => MaybePromise<...>
The handle
hook runs every time the SvelteKit server receives a request and
determines the response.
It receives an event
object representing the request and a function called resolve
, which renders the route and generates a Response
This allows you to modify response headers or bodies, or bypass SvelteKit entirely (for implementing routes programmatically, for example).
Handle } from '@sveltejs/kit';
export const const handle: Handle
handle: type Handle = (input: {
event: RequestEvent;
resolve(event: RequestEvent, opts?: ResolveOptions): MaybePromise<Response>;
}) => MaybePromise<...>
The handle
hook runs every time the SvelteKit server receives a request and
determines the response.
It receives an event
object representing the request and a function called resolve
, which renders the route and generates a Response
This allows you to modify response headers or bodies, or bypass SvelteKit entirely (for implementing routes programmatically, for example).
Handle = async ({ event: RequestEvent<Partial<Record<string, string>>, string | null>
event, resolve: (event: RequestEvent, opts?: ResolveOptions) => MaybePromise<Response>
resolve }) => {
let let buffer: string
buffer = '';
return await resolve: (event: RequestEvent, opts?: ResolveOptions) => MaybePromise<Response>
resolve(event: RequestEvent<Partial<Record<string, string>>, string | null>
event, {
ResolveOptions.transformPageChunk?(input: {
html: string;
done: boolean;
}): MaybePromise<string | undefined>
Applies custom transforms to HTML. If done
is true, it’s the final chunk. Chunks are not guaranteed to be well-formed HTML
(they could include an element’s opening tag but not its closing tag, for example)
but they will always be split at sensible boundaries such as %sveltekit.head%
or layout/page components.
transformPageChunk: ({ html: string
html, done: boolean
done }) => {
let buffer: string
buffer += html: string
if (done: boolean
done) {
let let css: string
css = '';
const const markup: string
markup = import amp
.function transform(html: string): string
transform(let buffer: string
.String.replace(searchValue: string | RegExp, replaceValue: string): string (+3 overloads)
Replaces text in a string, using a regular expression or search string.
replace('⚡', 'amp') // dropcss can't handle this character
.String.replace(searchValue: {
[Symbol.replace](string: string, replacer: (substring: string, ...args: any[]) => string): string;
}, replacer: (substring: string, ...args: any[]) => string): string (+3 overloads)
Replaces text in a string, using an object that supports replacement within a string.
replace(/<style amp-custom([^>]*?)>([^]+?)<\/style>/, (match: string
match, attributes: any
attributes, contents: any
contents) => {
let css: string
css = contents: any
return `<style amp-custom${attributes: any
let css: string
css = module "dropcss"
dropcss({ css: string
css, html: string
html: const markup: string
markup }).css;
return const markup: string
markup.String.replace(searchValue: string | RegExp, replaceValue: string): string (+3 overloads)
Replaces text in a string, using a regular expression or search string.
replace('</style>', `${let css: string
hook 使用amphtml-validator
驗證轉換後的 HTML,但只有在你預先渲染頁面時才這樣做,因為它非常慢。