import {
function afterNavigate(callback: (navigation: import("@sveltejs/kit").AfterNavigate) => void): void
A lifecycle function that runs the supplied callback
when the current component mounts, and also whenever we navigate to a new URL.
must be called during a component initialization. It remains active as long as the component is mounted.
function beforeNavigate(callback: (navigation: import("@sveltejs/kit").BeforeNavigate) => void): void
A navigation interceptor that triggers before we navigate to a new URL, whether by clicking a link, calling goto(...)
, or using the browser back/forward controls.
Calling cancel()
will prevent the navigation from completing. If navigation.type === 'leave'
— meaning the user is navigating away from the app (or closing the tab) — calling cancel
will trigger the native browser unload confirmation dialog. In this case, the navigation may or may not be cancelled depending on the user’s response.
When a navigation isn’t to a SvelteKit-owned route (and therefore controlled by SvelteKit’s client-side router), navigation.to.route.id
will be null
If the navigation will (if not cancelled) cause the document to unload — in other words 'leave'
navigations and 'link'
navigations where navigation.to.route === null
— navigation.willUnload
is true
must be called during a component initialization. It remains active as long as the component is mounted.
function disableScrollHandling(): void
If called when the page is being updated following a navigation (in onMount
or afterNavigate
or an action, for example), this disables SvelteKit’s built-in scroll handling.
This is generally discouraged, since it breaks user expectations.
function goto(url: string | URL, opts?: {
replaceState?: boolean | undefined;
noScroll?: boolean | undefined;
keepFocus?: boolean | undefined;
invalidateAll?: boolean | undefined;
state?: App.PageState | undefined;
} | undefined): Promise<void>
Returns a Promise that resolves when SvelteKit navigates (or fails to navigate, in which case the promise rejects) to the specified url
For external URLs, use window.location = url
instead of calling goto(url)
function invalidate(resource: string | URL | ((url: URL) => boolean)): Promise<void>
Causes any load
functions belonging to the currently active page to re-run if they depend on the url
in question, via fetch
or depends
. Returns a Promise
that resolves when the page is subsequently updated.
If the argument is given as a string
or URL
, it must resolve to the same URL that was passed to fetch
or depends
(including query parameters).
To create a custom identifier, use a string beginning with [a-z]+:
(e.g. custom:state
) — this is a valid URL.
The function
argument can be used define a custom predicate. It receives the full URL
and causes load
to rerun if true
is returned.
This can be useful if you want to invalidate based on a pattern instead of a exact match.
// Example: Match '/path' regardless of the query parameters
import { invalidate } from '$app/navigation';
invalidate((url) => url.pathname === '/path');
function invalidateAll(): Promise<void>
Causes all load
functions belonging to the currently active page to re-run. Returns a Promise
that resolves when the page is subsequently updated.
function onNavigate(callback: (navigation: import("@sveltejs/kit").OnNavigate) => MaybePromise<void | (() => void)>): void
A lifecycle function that runs the supplied callback
immediately before we navigate to a new URL except during full-page navigations.
If you return a Promise
, SvelteKit will wait for it to resolve before completing the navigation. This allows you to — for example — use document.startViewTransition
. Avoid promises that are slow to resolve, since navigation will appear stalled to the user.
If a function (or a Promise
that resolves to a function) is returned from the callback, it will be called once the DOM has updated.
must be called during a component initialization. It remains active as long as the component is mounted.
function preloadCode(pathname: string): Promise<void>
Programmatically imports the code for routes that haven’t yet been fetched.
Typically, you might call this to speed up subsequent navigation.
You can specify routes by any matching pathname such as /about
(to match src/routes/about/+page.svelte
) or /blog/*
(to match src/routes/blog/[slug]/+page.svelte
Unlike preloadData
, this won’t call load
Returns a Promise that resolves when the modules have been imported.
function preloadData(href: string): Promise<{
type: "loaded";
status: number;
data: Record<string, any>;
} | {
type: "redirect";
location: string;
Programmatically preloads the given page, which means
- ensuring that the code for the page is loaded, and
- calling the page’s load function with the appropriate options.
This is the same behaviour that SvelteKit triggers when the user taps or mouses over an <a>
element with data-sveltekit-preload-data
If the next navigation is to href
, the values returned from load will be used, making navigation instantaneous.
Returns a Promise that resolves with the result of running the new route’s load
functions once the preload is complete.
function pushState(url: string | URL, state: App.PageState): void
Programmatically create a new history entry with the given $page.state
. To use the current URL, you can pass ''
as the first argument. Used for shallow routing.
function replaceState(url: string | URL, state: App.PageState): void
Programmatically replace the current history entry with the given $page.state
. To use the current URL, you can pass ''
as the first argument. Used for shallow routing.
} from '$app/navigation';
一個生命週期函數,當前元件掛載時,以及每當我們導航到新的 URL 時,都會執行提供的 callback
function afterNavigate(
callback: (
navigation: import('@sveltejs/kit').AfterNavigate
) => void
): void;
一個導航攔截器,在我們導航到新的 URL 之前觸發,無論是透過點擊連結、呼叫 goto(...)
呼叫 cancel()
將會阻止導航完成。如果 navigation.type === 'leave'
— 表示使用者正在離開應用程式(或關閉標籤)— 呼叫 cancel
當導航不是到 SvelteKit 擁有的路由(因此由 SvelteKit 的客戶端路由器控制)時,navigation.to.route.id
將會是 null
如果導航將會(如果沒有取消)導致文件卸載 — 換句話說,'leave'
導航和 'link'
導航,其中 navigation.to.route === null
— navigation.willUnload
為 true
function beforeNavigate(
callback: (
navigation: import('@sveltejs/kit').BeforeNavigate
) => void
): void;
如果在導航後頁面正在更新時呼叫(例如在 onMount
或 afterNavigate
或動作中),這會停用 SvelteKit 內建的滾動處理。一般不建議這樣做,因為它會破壞使用者的期望。
function disableScrollHandling(): void;
傳回一個 Promise,當 SvelteKit 導航(或導航失敗時,在這種情況下 Promise 會被拒絕)到指定的 url
時會解析。對於外部 URL,請使用 window.location = url
而不是呼叫 goto(url)
function goto(
url: string | URL,
| {
replaceState?: boolean | undefined;
noScroll?: boolean | undefined;
keepFocus?: boolean | undefined;
invalidateAll?: boolean | undefined;
state?: App.PageState | undefined;
| undefined
): Promise<void>;
如果目前作用中頁面的任何 load
函數透過 fetch
或 depends
依賴於相關的 url
,則會導致它們重新執行。傳回一個 Promise
如果將引數指定為 string
,則它必須解析為傳遞給 fetch
或 depends
的相同 URL(包括查詢參數)。要建立自訂識別符,請使用以 [a-z]+:
開頭的字串(例如 custom:state
)— 這是一個有效的 URL。
引數可用於定義自訂謂詞。它會接收完整的 URL
,如果傳回 true
,則會導致 load
// Example: Match '/path' regardless of the query parameters
import { function invalidate(resource: string | URL | ((url: URL) => boolean)): Promise<void>
Causes any load
functions belonging to the currently active page to re-run if they depend on the url
in question, via fetch
or depends
. Returns a Promise
that resolves when the page is subsequently updated.
If the argument is given as a string
or URL
, it must resolve to the same URL that was passed to fetch
or depends
(including query parameters).
To create a custom identifier, use a string beginning with [a-z]+:
(e.g. custom:state
) — this is a valid URL.
The function
argument can be used define a custom predicate. It receives the full URL
and causes load
to rerun if true
is returned.
This can be useful if you want to invalidate based on a pattern instead of a exact match.
// Example: Match '/path' regardless of the query parameters
import { invalidate } from '$app/navigation';
invalidate((url) => url.pathname === '/path');
invalidate } from '$app/navigation';
function invalidate(resource: string | URL | ((url: URL) => boolean)): Promise<void>
Causes any load
functions belonging to the currently active page to re-run if they depend on the url
in question, via fetch
or depends
. Returns a Promise
that resolves when the page is subsequently updated.
If the argument is given as a string
or URL
, it must resolve to the same URL that was passed to fetch
or depends
(including query parameters).
To create a custom identifier, use a string beginning with [a-z]+:
(e.g. custom:state
) — this is a valid URL.
The function
argument can be used define a custom predicate. It receives the full URL
and causes load
to rerun if true
is returned.
This can be useful if you want to invalidate based on a pattern instead of a exact match.
// Example: Match '/path' regardless of the query parameters
import { invalidate } from '$app/navigation';
invalidate((url) => url.pathname === '/path');
invalidate((url: URL
url) => url: URL
url.URL.pathname: string
pathname === '/path');
function invalidate(
resource: string | URL | ((url: URL) => boolean)
): Promise<void>;
導致目前作用中頁面的所有 load
函數重新執行。傳回一個 Promise
function invalidateAll(): Promise<void>;
一個生命週期函數,在我們導航到新的 URL 之前立即執行提供的 callback
如果您傳回 Promise
,SvelteKit 會等待它解析,然後完成導航。這允許您 — 例如 — 使用 document.startViewTransition
。避免解析速度慢的 Promise,因為導航會對使用者顯示為停滯。
如果從回呼傳回函數(或解析為函數的 Promise
),則會在 DOM 更新後呼叫該函數。
function onNavigate(
callback: (
navigation: import('@sveltejs/kit').OnNavigate
) => MaybePromise<(() => void) | void>
): void;
您可以透過任何符合的路徑名稱指定路由,例如 /about
(以符合 src/routes/about/+page.svelte
)或 /blog/*
(以符合 src/routes/blog/[slug]/+page.svelte
與 preloadData
不同,這不會呼叫 load
函數。傳回一個 Promise,當模組匯入時會解析。
function preloadCode(pathname: string): Promise<void>;
- 確保已載入頁面的程式碼,以及
- 使用適當的選項呼叫頁面的載入函數。
這與當使用者點擊或滑鼠懸停在具有 data-sveltekit-preload-data
的 <a>
元素時,SvelteKit 觸發的行為相同。如果下一個導航是到 href
,則將會使用從 load 傳回的值,使導航立即完成。傳回一個 Promise,當預先載入完成後,會解析執行新路由的 load
function preloadData(href: string): Promise<
| {
type: 'loaded';
status: number;
data: Record<string, any>;
| {
type: 'redirect';
location: string;
使用給定的 $page.state
以程式設計方式建立新的歷史記錄項目。要使用目前的 URL,您可以將 ''
function pushState(
url: string | URL,
state: App.PageState
): void;
使用給定的 $page.state
以程式設計方式取代目前的歷史記錄項目。要使用目前的 URL,您可以將 ''
function replaceState(
url: string | URL,
state: App.PageState
): void;