

錯誤是軟體開發中不可避免的事實。SvelteKit 根據錯誤發生的位置、錯誤的種類以及傳入請求的性質,以不同的方式處理錯誤。


SvelteKit 區分預期錯誤和非預期錯誤,兩者預設都以簡單的 { message: string } 物件表示。

您可以新增額外的屬性,例如 code 或追蹤 id,如下面的範例所示。(當使用 TypeScript 時,這需要您重新定義 Error 類型,如型別安全中所述)。


預期錯誤是使用從 @sveltejs/kit 導入的 error 輔助函數建立的錯誤。

import { function error(status: number, body: App.Error): never (+1 overload)

Throws an error with a HTTP status code and an optional message. When called during request handling, this will cause SvelteKit to return an error response without invoking handleError. Make sure you’re not catching the thrown error, which would prevent SvelteKit from handling it.

@paramstatus The HTTP status code. Must be in the range 400-599.
@parambody An object that conforms to the App.Error type. If a string is passed, it will be used as the message property.
@throwsHttpError This error instructs SvelteKit to initiate HTTP error handling.
@throwsError If the provided status is invalid (not between 400 and 599).
} from '@sveltejs/kit';
import * as module "$lib/server/database"db from '$lib/server/database'; /** @type {import('./$types').PageServerLoad} */ export async function function load(event: ServerLoadEvent<Record<string, any>, Record<string, any>, string | null>): MaybePromise<void | Record<string, any>>
({ params: Record<string, any>

The parameters of the current route - e.g. for a route like /blog/[slug], a { slug: string } object

}) {
const post: {
    title: string;
    content: string;
} | undefined
= await module "$lib/server/database"db.
function getPost(slug: string): Promise<{
    title: string;
    content: string;
} | undefined>
(params: Record<string, any>

The parameters of the current route - e.g. for a route like /blog/[slug], a { slug: string } object

if (!
const post: {
    title: string;
    content: string;
} | undefined
) {
function error(status: number, body: App.Error): never (+1 overload)

Throws an error with a HTTP status code and an optional message. When called during request handling, this will cause SvelteKit to return an error response without invoking handleError. Make sure you’re not catching the thrown error, which would prevent SvelteKit from handling it.

@paramstatus The HTTP status code. Must be in the range 400-599.
@parambody An object that conforms to the App.Error type. If a string is passed, it will be used as the message property.
@throwsHttpError This error instructs SvelteKit to initiate HTTP error handling.
@throwsError If the provided status is invalid (not between 400 and 599).
(404, {
App.Error.message: stringmessage: 'Not found' }); } return {
post: {
    title: string;
    content: string;
import { function error(status: number, body: App.Error): never (+1 overload)

Throws an error with a HTTP status code and an optional message. When called during request handling, this will cause SvelteKit to return an error response without invoking handleError. Make sure you’re not catching the thrown error, which would prevent SvelteKit from handling it.

@paramstatus The HTTP status code. Must be in the range 400-599.
@parambody An object that conforms to the App.Error type. If a string is passed, it will be used as the message property.
@throwsHttpError This error instructs SvelteKit to initiate HTTP error handling.
@throwsError If the provided status is invalid (not between 400 and 599).
} from '@sveltejs/kit';
import * as module "$lib/server/database"db from '$lib/server/database'; import type { type PageServerLoad = (event: ServerLoadEvent<Record<string, any>, Record<string, any>, string | null>) => MaybePromise<void | Record<string, any>>PageServerLoad } from './$types'; export const const load: PageServerLoadload: type PageServerLoad = (event: ServerLoadEvent<Record<string, any>, Record<string, any>, string | null>) => MaybePromise<void | Record<string, any>>PageServerLoad = async ({ params: Record<string, any>

The parameters of the current route - e.g. for a route like /blog/[slug], a { slug: string } object

}) => {
const post: {
    title: string;
    content: string;
} | undefined
= await module "$lib/server/database"db.
function getPost(slug: string): Promise<{
    title: string;
    content: string;
} | undefined>
(params: Record<string, any>

The parameters of the current route - e.g. for a route like /blog/[slug], a { slug: string } object

if (!
const post: {
    title: string;
    content: string;
} | undefined
) {
function error(status: number, body: App.Error): never (+1 overload)

Throws an error with a HTTP status code and an optional message. When called during request handling, this will cause SvelteKit to return an error response without invoking handleError. Make sure you’re not catching the thrown error, which would prevent SvelteKit from handling it.

@paramstatus The HTTP status code. Must be in the range 400-599.
@parambody An object that conforms to the App.Error type. If a string is passed, it will be used as the message property.
@throwsHttpError This error instructs SvelteKit to initiate HTTP error handling.
@throwsError If the provided status is invalid (not between 400 and 599).
(404, {
App.Error.message: stringmessage: 'Not found' }); } return {
post: {
    title: string;
    content: string;

這會拋出 SvelteKit 捕獲的例外,導致它將回應狀態碼設定為 404 並呈現 +error.svelte 元件,其中 $page.error 是作為 error(...) 的第二個參數提供的物件。

	import { page } from '$app/stores';



function error(status: number, body: App.Error): never (+1 overload)

Throws an error with a HTTP status code and an optional message. When called during request handling, this will cause SvelteKit to return an error response without invoking handleError. Make sure you’re not catching the thrown error, which would prevent SvelteKit from handling it.

@paramstatus The HTTP status code. Must be in the range 400-599.
@parambody An object that conforms to the App.Error type. If a string is passed, it will be used as the message property.
@throwsHttpError This error instructs SvelteKit to initiate HTTP error handling.
@throwsError If the provided status is invalid (not between 400 and 599).
(404, {
App.Error.message: stringmessage: 'Not found', App.Error.code: stringcode: 'NOT_FOUND' });


error(404, { message: 'Not found' });
function error(status: number, body?: {
    message: string;
} extends App.Error ? App.Error | string | undefined : never): never (+1 overload)

Throws an error with a HTTP status code and an optional message. When called during request handling, this will cause SvelteKit to return an error response without invoking handleError. Make sure you’re not catching the thrown error, which would prevent SvelteKit from handling it.

@paramstatus The HTTP status code. Must be in the range 400-599.
@parambody An object that conforms to the App.Error type. If a string is passed, it will be used as the message property.
@throwsHttpError This error instructs SvelteKit to initiate HTTP error handling.
@throwsError If the provided status is invalid (not between 400 and 599).
(404, 'Not found');

在 SvelteKit 1.x 中,您必須自己 throw error




{ "message": "Internal Error" }

非預期錯誤將會通過 handleError 鉤子,您可以在其中新增自己的錯誤處理 — 例如,將錯誤傳送到回報服務,或傳回自訂錯誤物件,該物件會變成 $page.error


如果 handle 內部或 +server.js 請求處理常式內部發生錯誤,SvelteKit 將根據請求的 Accept 標頭,回應後備錯誤頁面或錯誤物件的 JSON 表示法。

您可以透過新增 src/error.html 檔案來自訂後備錯誤頁面

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
		<meta charset="utf-8" />
		<h1>My custom error page</h1>
		<p>Status: %sveltekit.status%</p>
		<p>Message: %sveltekit.error.message%</p>

SvelteKit 將會將 %sveltekit.status%%sveltekit.error.message% 取代為它們對應的值。

如果錯誤是在呈現頁面時在 load 函數內部發生,SvelteKit 將會呈現最靠近錯誤發生位置的 +error.svelte 元件。如果錯誤是在 +layout(.server).js 中的 load 函數內部發生,則樹狀結構中最接近的錯誤邊界是該版面配置之上+error.svelte 檔案(而不是在它旁邊)。

例外情況是當錯誤發生在根 +layout.js+layout.server.js 內部時,因為根版面配置通常會包含 +error.svelte 元件。在這種情況下,SvelteKit 會使用後備錯誤頁面。


如果您使用 TypeScript 且需要自訂錯誤的形狀,您可以在您的應用程式中宣告 App.Error 介面(按照慣例,在 src/app.d.ts 中,雖然它可以存在於 TypeScript 可以「看到」的任何位置)

declare global {
	namespace App {
		interface interface App.Error

Defines the common shape of expected and unexpected errors. Expected errors are thrown using the error function. Unexpected errors are handled by the handleError hooks which should return this shape.

App.Error.code: stringcode: string; App.Error.id: stringid: string; } } } export {};

此介面始終包含 message: string 屬性。


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